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Many many centuries ago, the vast continent of Avalon was dark and small, overrun with rampant magic in underground caverns. No human had ever set foot on the sands of its beaches. From the magic, crystals began to grow. The crystals grew and grew, until of their magic, were four beings born. Two female deities ; Lazara, Goddess of the Moon, and Kirsta, Goddess of Life, and two male deities ; Uuthris, God of the Sun, and Losdrae, God of Death.
The four deities lived in peace for some time. While Kirsta and Losdrae had taken to the Earth, Lazara and Uuthris had taken to the sky. They’d rise and fall with the day and night, and though they got lonely when apart they always met again. One day, Lazara had gotten tired of waiting and brought the moon to Uuthris and the sun. The moon came over the sun and cast darkness over Avalon, just as they had made love. Of them were later born triplets ; Lana, Goddess of Marriage, Kazarim, Goddess of Love, and Melonia, Goddess of Fertility. Soon after with the blessing of their daughter Lana, they wed.
Kirsta had flourished the land with vegetation and creatures bound with magic. When they grew too old or too sick, they’d pass on. Kirsta became overcome with sadness when her first creature had died, she went to Losdrae immediately to beg for her companions soul. Losdrae had to inform her that not all creatures could live forever, and that even the beautiful plants she had created lived and died the same. But he did grant her one promise, that any life that passed on and came to him would live on in the afterlife. He bound their spirit to Avalon, allowing them to live peacefully alongside their families they’d leave behind and come and go as they pleased from this world, to the astral plane.
Overjoyed, Kirsta had realized with all of this effort that Losdrae had put in to please her just how much he had meant to her. It wasn’t too long after that that she had given birth to quadruplets under Lanas blessing ; Isis, Goddess of Winter, Faroletta, Goddess of Spring, Yamin, God of Summer, and Datrien, Goddess of Autumn. They began changing seasons over time, working with Lazara and Uuthris and in the midst of Autumn Kirsta and Losdrae were wed.
Over time, Lazara was expecting a child again. Uuthris was spending more time with Isis during Winter while Lazara was out at night with the moon. Soon enough, Lazara learned that Uuthris was having an affair with Isis. Saddened and alone in the vast darkness of the night, she set out to find the two without the moon. When she neared the earth covered in a blanket of cold snow, she began to give birth to her child. She laid down on the ground, staring at the dark sky and wishing for something to light up her world once more - and with the birth of her daughter, Clariez, came the birth of stars. Stars everywhere lit up the sky.
Uuthris and Isis came running at the sound of Clariez’s cry, and it was then that Lazara learned of Isis’s pregnancy. Outraged, Lazara banished Isis from seeing Uuthris, even during the day unless supervised. Thus the nights became long during Winter, and throughout the dark nights Lazara always had the companionship of her darling star daughter Clariez.
Shortly with the coming of Winter came a blizzard, Isis’s powers became uncontrollable during the birth of her quadruplets, also blessed under Uuthris’s command by his daughter Melonia. She had Phlara, Goddess of Fire, Seren, God of the Sea, Delora, Goddess of Storms, and Clorfd, God of Earth. After the birth, the frozen world didn’t thaw until later Summer. Isis’s powers truly showed, and fear of an Ice Age if she was that pained again grew, causing Uuthris to stay away even more so . . .
With the zero tolerance of Uuthris to see his mistress or his children when they were to be born unless watched by Lazara, Uuthris became displeased with his marriage and his wife. Though he still loved her dearly, or felt that he did, he still felt he had needs that she refused to satisfy afterwards. So he looked elsewhere. With the days growing longer and longer in Spring, he began to romance Faroletta. She fell for him and he used her to his every whim. She soon fell pregnant, as a cruel sort of punishment from Uuthris and Lazaras daughter Melonia. Uuthris promised to take Melonias' head if she told her mother, and out of fear she kept her mouth shut. Though there was no denying the cursed babe in Faroletta was Uuthris’s. Lazara questioned Uuthris but he had nothing but alibis, and even used Melonia as a witness that he had only barely even exchanged words with Faroletta before.
Yet the child was born, and she was born solely based on what Uuthris felt for Faroletta - Lust. Faroletta named her Virhala, and though Uuthris could see them whenever because Lazara didn’t know she was his, he chose to barely be around.
LAZARA - Goddess of the Moon
KIRSTA - Goddess of Life
UUTHRIS - God of the Sun
LOSDRAE - God of Death
LANA - Goddess of Marriage
KAZARIM - Goddess of Love
MELONIA - Goddess of Fertility
ISIS - Goddess of Winter
FAROLETTA - Goddess of Spring
YARMIN - Goddess of Summer
DATRIEN - Goddess of Autumn
CLAIREZ - Goddess of Stars
PHLARA - Goddess of Fire
SEREN - God of the Seas
DELORA - Goddess of Storms
CLORFD - God of Earth
VIRHALA - Goddess of Lust
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