Magic Bloodline - Phantum
Another new generation of Bloodlines, some say a hauntingly cursed version of the Flora. These creatures prowl dominantly in the night, with their faces aglow in the pale moonlight.
All seem to possess a few similarities, the bright orange coloring of their fur and vines that cascade down their rumps over their tails. They all have glowing, flickering eyes like flames. Yet, what sets them apart mainly is their facial markings. A glowing print covers their eyes and mouth, making them stand out - Though they can control the glow, dim it if they must.

Phantum shown above.
Offspring of both Phantum parents possess a 100% guarantee of passing on the bloodline.
A pairing of a Phantum x regular wolf would result in a 30% chance of carrying over the bloodline to offspring.
A pairing of a Phantum x Bloodline wolf would result in a 50% chance of either bloodline for the offspring.
A pairing of a another animal hybrid wolf x Phantum would result in a 40% chance of being carried over to offspring.
Hybrid Variations
Phantum x Morpha = Mateguas - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and long ears of parents.
Phantum x Colupus = Morozova - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and horns/antlers of parents.
Phantum x Felis = Gipps - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and cat markings of parents.
Phantum x Aves = Ubume - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and bird feathers/wings of parents.
Phantum x Reptillia = Basilisk - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and snake skin armor of parents.
Phantum x Faerydae = Nymphalidae - A wolf displaying orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and insect wings of parents.
Phantum x Ethereal = Cepheus - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and a sky/star pelt of parents.
Phantum x Flora = Confertiflora - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and a flower/plant of parents.
Phantum x Elemental = Phantemental- A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and elemental powers of parents.
Phantum x Kitsune = Phantsune - A wolf displaying its orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and Kitune parents' tails/powers.
Phantum x Vampire = Vampiric Phantum - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and blood lust of parents.
Phantum x Dracarae = Silverwing - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and dragon wings/scales of parents.
Phantum x Monokeros = Uniphantum - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and magic spiral horn of parents.
Phantum x Lamprydae = Phanprydae - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and glowing wings/spots of parents.
Phantum x Aquatis = Phantquatis - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and fish attributes of parents.
Phantum x Voodoo = Ghoul - A wolf displaying both webbed wings, ears, no tail and bone traits of parents.
Phantum x Chiroptera = Betelgeuse - A wolf displaying both orange fur, glowing face/eyes, vines and webbed wings, ears, no tail of parents.