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.Any fighting/bullying OOC will not be tolerated ; Multiple warnings will result in punishments such as suspension and in extreme cases banning.
Current administration :: Metalhead, Alana & Rosie
Current moderation :: Nadia
.No copying any character designs.
.We REQUIRE all members to join our Discord server in order to be on the site, as most events, news, updates, plots, and other things are discussed on Discord. Please find our link on the home page.
.Swearing is allowed on the site and discord, just don't be rude ooc.
.All posts need a minimum of 200 words out of character.
.When posting points, please post it with the correct format displayed on the Points Board by Alana.
.All characters made by a player on this site belong to the player themselves, therefore if you ever chose to leave the site you can always retract your characters with you without fear they'll be continued on against your wishes.
.We currently have a rounding system in place for characters, each player may have as many as they want however you can only have five of each gender below or above each other. So if you have 10 females and 5 males, you must join another male before you can join another female.
.No god-modding/power-playing (exception is trespassing ; see Packs for more)
.Seasons are realistic and pass in real time.
.Bloodlines are now available, allowing magic to be brought into Starfall. However, each has their own specifications that need to be met.
.Bloodlines can be obtained at random by having your in play character become involved in an event that grants Bloodlines, or joined - Randomized, specific, and joinable.
.Bloodline wolves can be joined at any point, just be sure everything is up to code when posted. If you're not sure of something, please ask!
.Hybrids & Tribrids can only be born or bought, exception is a bloodline wolf being turned into a Vampires - Or a specific event that states it may grant them.
.All packs are open for claiming unless already claimed, if you want said pack you must challenge for it.
.All players are allowed as many Alphas as they like, you just cannot claim every pack.
.Trespassing can result in warning by the Alpha or ranked members and be forced back to the borders. In cases of challenging the Alpha for their title, this is still trespassing. You may wait outside the border and call for the Alpha. Only in the sense of trespassing is power playing allowed, and if the trespasser has already been warned once any ranked wolf has full permission to take the trespassers life.
.You do need at least one other member to have a character in said pack to keep it running.
.To keep a pack active, one post a month should be made by any member.
.Challenging a pack will be done on the packs page, and then must be moved to The Proving Grounds.
.Challenging a pack does NOT give you permission to enter the pack if you're not already a member of it.
.A challenge cannot be refused.
.To successfully claim a pack, there must be three adults that join the claiming alpha. Should there at any point be less than three adults, not counting the alpha(s), the pack will be put up for claiming.
.Packs can be claimed with only needing three adult members to join the Alphas claim, but you must have at least one other members character joining the pack in the claim - Claiming cannot be a success with only one member running the entire pack.
.All claims have a month from their original claiming post to be successful or not.
.To win a pack challenge you must beat the Alpha in combat twice.
Pack Life
.Once you join a pack, you're sworn to that Alpha or Alphas.
.The only ways to disband from a pack is to either be banished for a crime, released by the Alpha on neutral terms, or be forcefully removed by the Alpha or ranked member.
.Only Alphas can grant rankings to their pack mates.
.Alphas can take prisoners from other packs during a raid/war or even outsiders.
.Alphas can establish laws and warrants among the pack, bringing in a wanted wolf could grant you a higher ranking depending on the Alphas wishes.
.Only adults and elders may take rankings - Elders may only get Gamma as a rank, and cannot be Alphas.
.Alphas can set down laws for their pack lands and make alliances with other packs.
.The heirarchy is as followed on each packs page. For our newcomers, Alphas (1 male & 1 female) are the leaders and Heirs (1 male or 1 female) are those chosen to be next to rule. Betas (1 male & 1 female), second in command, Deltas (1 male & 1 female) are the commanders for soldiers. Heirdeltas (1 male & 1 female) are the Deltas in training that can replace the Deltas should they fall in battle. Next is Gamma (elders only), elders of the pack who pass down knowledge. Sigmas (unlimmited) are the warriors, Zetas (2 females) are caretakers to pups. Thetas (1 female) are healers, Heirtheta (1 female) is the Theta in training that can replace the Theta should she fall in battle. Iotas (2 males) are the messengers between packs, while Kappas (1 male & 1 female) are the scouts who patrol. Omegas (unlimited) are those recently accepted, or unranked. Pups (unlimited) are any under the age of adult that cannot yet be ranked.
.When you post any sort of non-training combat, inform administration to moderate and judge.
.If a pack was challenged for and the thread has not been replied to by a player for a week from the last post, the other player becomes the winner.
.No power-playing is involved - while strategy is key in fights, you should list them as such.
A.) Your characters aim, the full hit if they get it
B.) A lesser attack that works with the movement of the aim, and will not do more or equivalent damage
C.) How your character will land if they miss, this will land no damage to the other user.
.When fighting and going by the rules above, your character must go by the guideline of what your dodge is based on what the other stated would happen for the type of dodge. Any less will result in a penalty when scoring a judgement at the end of a challenge or fight. .
Points cannot be spent during a challenge on a character inside said challenge until the two battles are completed and judged for.
.Challenges are not to inflict any wounds that can kill, unless otherwise stated.
.For healing purposes, a doc was created for healing times.
.Freshly overturned packs with a new leader, victorious in battle, will have a two month grace period in which they rule and cannot be challenged for. The date of the grace period starts on the day of their first pack meeting they call.
.How judging each challenge will be as follows -
Everyone starts with twenty points to start each challenge, judge will subtract by the injury of violation.
-3 for not following guidelines, first strike.
-3 for scratches, easy heal.
-5 for not following guidelines, second strike.
-5 for a broken bone.
-5 for a dislocated injury.
-5 for any incapacitating/disabling injury (blindness, deaf, loss of limb, etc)
-10 for not following guidelines, third strike.
Violations, marked as "not following guidelines" goes for any of the above that is not followed
.To keep it fair, apply these sheets to your posts and fill them out as you go in combat, and remember no power playing ::
Half Dodges :: {0/2}
Full Dodges :: {0/1}
No Dodge :: {0/1}
Full Hit :: {0/1}
Half Hit :: {0/2}
Missed Hit :: {0/1}
Damage ::
.Raids can only take place once a month by each pack.
.Raiding a pack creates an enemy pack, and therefore can spark war.
.Raids allow you to take other wolves, food, or any special items you wish - Get in and get out to succeed.
Raids are excluded from trespassing and allowance of power-playing, but the pack being raided can still fight back and potentially fight off the raiding pack.
.Only adults may raid.
.Wars do not always have to mean battling until the last side alive wins, that's up to the players. Be sure to discuss it with your friends OOC before rushing into battle so there is no confusion.
.Like challenges, wars will be posted only to The Proving Grounds.
.Wars can be started over almost anything, but it must be announced at a pack meeting held in your packlands.
.Only adults may fight in a war.
.Hunting can only take place in The Hunting Grounds.
.Ask anyone to play the prey for you if you need it.
.Packs can hunt together, but must have someone play the role of the prey.
.Mating and being someones mate is not for life, you can call it off or add drama and cheat.
.Mating can take place all year, and any mating will result in a chance of pups!
.Let Administration know to roll for you if your characters are trying for pups!
.Pups cannot be produced on the site without rolling from Administration, but pups can be joined in their own separate litter born off-site.
.If you have pups that were rolled for and no one to play them then ask around if anyone would adopt one as a character!
.All pups must be joined and accepted before they can be birthed.
.Birthing of pups can be posted a month after conceived.
.Your characters mate does not have to reside in the same pack as you if they do not wish to.
.Be sure to let us know on the Updates board if your wolf has a new mate so we can add it to the members board.
.When mating, you have the choice to play out the scene or skip over, but you must put [M] in the subject of any sexual scenes. If skipped over then simply imply with a "fade in, fade out" kind of deal.
.Any non consensual mating (implying forced mating) must also have [M] and if in Winter can still have a chance of reproducing.
.Maned wolves, African Wild Dogs, and Dholes cannot reproduce with another characters outside of their own species unless purchased on the points board.
.When joining, please feel free to spice up a neat looking wolf! We are semi-realistic, but wolves with not-so-specific markings and scars can be accepted as long as they aren't over the top (tribal, paw prints, detailed designs etc.).
.We do not accept unnatural fur coloring, including silver and gold (metallics), try ashen or tawny instead!
.We do however accept unnatural colored eyes!
.Please keep our character cap in mind, you cannot go over 75.
.We do not allowed name repeats, if you'd like to save a name for later then post it under Name Reserves.
.When asked ages, please put either pup, teen, adult or elder.
.Your characters appearance should have at least a coat color and eye color.
.When joining, please note you cannot post anywhere on the site without being accepted by an admin!
Breeds acceptable are; Gray, Arctic, Dire, Himalayan, Ethiopian, European, Mexican, Italian, Indian, Eurasian, Tundra, Northwestern, Alaskan Tundra, Texas, Iberian, Great Plains, Arabian, British Columbian, Mackenzie River, Bernard's wolf, Tibetan, Northern Rocky Mountain, Steppe, Yukon, Labrador wolf, Vancouver Island, Greenland, Dhole, Manitoba, Hudson Bay, Mackenzie Valley, Baffin Island wolf, Maned wolf, Alexander Archipelago; Russian, Japanese wolf, Kenai peninsula wolf -- All other breeds must be asked about before being accepted.
.Please keep your breed and appearance of your characters mostly accurate.
.Maned wolves and dholes however already stated cannot produce offspring with a species out of their kind - Since they are not truly wolves. Both species have specific coloration, maned having the russet coloration with white and black markings. The russet ranges from a tawny color to a natural fox red hue. Of course, variants and oddities are welcome, however they come in two colorings only with the black stockings and white tipped tail - Leucistic, meaning a white coloration, and Melanistic, meaning black. The same applies to Dholes with their russet coloring. Leucistic for white, Melanistic for black. This also applies to African Wild Dogs.
.We do allow albinism, but please keep in mind that there are health risks - Research before you join.
.When joining, be sure to fill out the following form :
Name ::
Age ::
Gender ::
Breed ::
Bloodline ::
Appearance ::
Personality ::
OOC ::
Other ::
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