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Welcome to Rebirth!
We are a community of friendly, creative, people looking to welcome anyone who joins! Rebirth is a fantasy wolf play-by-post role playing game that is always looking for new players!
Click here to join us on Discord!
About Rebirth
During the human war, nuclear weapons caused such catastrophic damage that portals around the Earth began opening, leading to what seemed to be a world completely untouched by mankind. Another world flourishing with life - It was called Avalon. However, the new portals erupting created a shift in Avalon, crystals in a mountain cavern became unearthed and let loose magic into the air that begun effecting the new creatures that passed through the portals. Magics of all kinds.
In the rebirth, where do you belong?
The Season currently is Winter until March 19th
Breeding is OPEN
Birthing is CLOSED
Hello, all!! Some of you may remember us as Starfall, this is the new version with a huge twist to it. Welcome to the new site, to Rebirth!
Click to view the map of Avalon
Of The Months
January, 2020​
Character :
Pack :
Couple :
Pup :
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