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Sister Sites
Your character must be joined and accepted by the administration before posting anywhere on the site.
Killing off another person's character is not allowed unless it’s a stillborn, or a mother dies in birth unless permission is given by the owner of the character.
Swearing is allowed as long as the other players is alright with it.
Fighting and offensive behavior will NOT be permitted, if needed the administration will look it over and decide a punishment, consistent issues can lead to banning, for certain amounts of time and for different reasons.
Respect others the way you want to be, if a dispute plays out, take it up with the administration, rudeness will not be tolerated.
WIP Posts have one day to be finished before being deleted.
Characters posted to the update board to be away or deleted must be posted as hiatus or for deletion, if marked for deletion they cannot be rejoined as with all of the knowledge of the forest it had before deletion.
Existing wolves must be posted to the activity checks that will take place, any not posted will have to be rejoined.
For now, all packs are open to be claimed for the time being. If a pack is not successfully claimed it will be shut down until activity picks up.
Breeding takes place in Winter, and birthing in Spring unless otherwise stated in the characters mutation.
Wolves do not have to die of old age, they can live for however long and at any age for as long as you like.
Aging of a wolf can not be done earlier than two months after joined or last aged.
The aging of a character will be done under UPDATES.
Hunting is allowed at Bowlow Plains.
Trespassing can be handled by a wolf of any rank - Unless the wolf is invited in, it can risk being hurt and kicked out! ~No god modding / Power playing~
Packs have a two months grace period when falling to a new alpha, free of losing the pack and challenges.
Challenges cannot be refused.
Alphas must be active; A post must be made by an alpha at least once every two months, or the pack will be forfeited. In that time, if a pack member or outsider wishes to step up and claim they are more than welcome to; But they have a week to do so.
When claiming a pack, two other wolves by other OOC players must be present or the pack gets closed down for the time being.
Everyone is allowed to join as many special Species creatures as they want to start with .
Hybrids can only be bred into play.
The only species allowed to be joined are the species put onto the species page - But new ones can be suggested.
To have any chance of reproduction a post between the two characters must be made and hint at it if preferred not to post the scene itself (Can just say "fast forward // skip") and then will be rolled for.
Any sort of mature content please label with [m] in your subject line, this includes graphic mating scenes.
Wolves can mate at any time in the year, but they can only have a chance of bearing children if they mate in winter.
Birthing can take place only in Spring.
Breeding or mating does not have to be permanent. At any time your character can change your mate or decide not to have one.
Please ask the administration when in need of rolling for a litter, keep in mind it can result in stillbirths, the mother dying, deformities, health issues, or no luck at all.
Maned wolves and Dholes cannot breed outside of their own species.
Challenging & Fighting
Challenges must be posted to the packs page that he/she is challenging for.
Each player can have three characters hold a pack at a time for now - Just be sure to keep up with it!
The Alpha or a ranked wolf can take the challenge, but it must be within a week's span and posted the traditional arena.
If the Alpha or a ranked wolf fails to accept the challenge, the challenger wins by default and now holds the crown.
A challenge cannot be refused.
You must ask to have a challenge judged by the administration. They will decide the winner of the challenge and who hold the crown over the pack.
A wolf must be an adult to hold alpha position, but a teen can hold any other ranking.
Please be sure the name of your character that you’re about to join is not already existing.
Wolves with unnatural pelt colors or metallic pelt or eye colors will not be accepted. However eye colors can be a vast range of any sort besides that.
Any markings are typically welcomed, as long as they're not too over the top and majorly unrealistic (Tribal markings, bands, patterns, etc)
The character joined must have a minimum of the information below in it’s join post;
Age (Pup, Teen, Adult, Elder):
Appearance (must include pelt color & eye color at minimum )
Species Class:
History (optional):
Contact info (optional):
Breeds acceptable are; Gray, Arctic, Dire, Himalayan, Ethiopian, European, Mexican, Italian, Indian, Eurasian, Tundra, Northwestern, Alaskan Tundra, Texas, Iberian, Great Plains, Arabian, British Columbian, Mackenzie River, Bernard's wolf, Tibetan, Northern Rocky Mountain, Steppe, Yukon, Labrador wolf, Vancouver Island, Greenland, Dhole, Manitoba, Hudson Bay, Mackenzie Valley, Baffin Island wolf, Maned wolf, Alexander Archipelago; Russian, Japanese wolf, Kenai peninsula wolf -- All other breeds must be asked about before being accepted.
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